Revisiting Java in 2021 - II
A look at how Java 17 stacks up against Kotlin and Scala for development teams in 2021, and an overview of popular JVM technologies.
Revisiting Java in 2021 - I
What does Java look like in 2021? An overview of Java 17, the latest LTS Java release, including Records, Sealed Classes, and Pattern Matching.
Super-convergence in Tensorflow 2 with the 1Cycle Policy
Implementing super-convergence for deep neural network training in Tensorflow 2 with the 1Cycle learning rate policy.
Finding a Learning Rate with Tensorflow 2
Implementing the technique in Tensorflow 2 is straightforward. Start from a low learning rate, increase the learning rate and record the loss. Stop when a very high learning rate is reached. Plot the losses and learning rates choosing a learning rate where the loss is decreasing at a rapid rate.
African Antelope: A Case Study of Creating an Image Dataset with FastAI
An end-to-end example of how to create your own image dataset from scratch and train a ResNet50 convolutional neural network for image classification using the FastAI library.